The Wizard of Oil

The Wizard of Oil is possibly the funniest blog post of the year. It was submitted as a diary tonight at My Left Wing by dood abides. I highly recommend clicking through and reading the entire diary .. err viewing the entire film.
It can also be enjoyed at dood's own site Dudehisattva, but you cannot post comments there.

Follow the Yellow Cake Road. Follow the Yellow Cake Road. Follow the Yellow Cake Road.
You're off to steal the Business, The Wonderful Business of Oil!
You'll find it is a Whiz of a Biz! If ever a Biz there was!
If ever o ever a Biz there was, The Business of Oil is one because,
Because, because, because, because, because.
Because of the Wonderful Bling for us!
You're off to steal the Business, The Wonderful Business of Oil!
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