Sunday, March 04, 2007

Colorado Slave Labor: Tom Tancredo's Dream Come True?

Inmates Will Replace Migrants in Colorado Fields (New York Times):

As migrant laborers flee Colorado because of tough new immigration restrictions, worried farmers are looking to prisoners to fill their places in the fields.

In a pilot program run by the state Corrections Department, supervised teams of low-risk inmates beginning this month will be available to harvest the swaths of sweet corn, peppers and melons that sweep the southeastern portion of the state.

Under the program, which has drawn criticism from groups concerned about immigrants’ rights and from others seeking changes in the criminal justice system, farmers will pay a fee to the state, and the inmates, who volunteer for the work, will be paid about 60 cents a day, corrections officials said.

The director of the Colorado Department of Corrections, Ari Zavaras, is a real comedian:
“They won’t be paid big bucks, but we’re hoping this will help our inmates pick up significant and valuable job skills”

The Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition's director, Christie Donner, had this to say in response:
This feels like the re-invention of the plantation.
“You have a captive labor force essentially working for their room and board in order to benefit the employer. This isn’t a job training program. It’s an exploitative program.

Unfortunately, this concept seems to be gaining acceptance elsewhere:
Although chain gangs and prison farms have long been staples of American correctional culture, the concept of inmates working on private farms is unusual. But there are signs that other states are following suit. The Iowa Department of Corrections is considering a similar program because of a migrant labor shortage in that state.

Several Iowa farmers called recently to request inmates in lieu of migrant workers, said Roger Baysden, the director of the state’s prison industries program. One farmer asked for as many as 200 inmates, Mr. Baysden said.

All ties together doesn't it:

(cross posted at Daily Kos)


Blogger Alexander said...

Illegal alien labor is also a form of
slave labor. Some are even paying back a debt to the "coyotes" that helped smuggle them in. Most of the
farm workers-80%-are legally here.
We just need to fill the last 20%.
Tancredo mentioned on Sunday (CNN)
that employers can get as many workers as they want- They just need to meet certain requirements like providing health insurance.Most will not and use illegals to get around this!

6:59 PM, March 05, 2007  

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