Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Voted Today!

I chose to avoid the entire GOP driven unconstitutional voter ID BS as well as the new Diebold touch screen voting machines in my district by voting absentee.

There is still time to request an absentee ballot for yourself or help someone you know request one, especially if they are elderly, have health problems, or have time constraint problems due to work/family/school.

You can get a form online from the Missouri Secretary of State's website to print out, fill in, and mail or drop off at their local election authority (a list of them is provided at the link above). They will send you the ballot with a pre-paid State of Missouri official business election return envelope.

NOTE (from the website):
Mail in or faxed absentee ballot requests must be received by the election authority no later than the 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to any election. Voters can vote by absentee in the office of the local election authority until 5:00 p.m. the night before the election.


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