Disgusted in St. Louis
A reality based online magazine and media commentary.
"It all went to hell when Reagan was elected President." -- Disgusted in St. Louis

About Me
- Name: Disgusted in St. Louis
- Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States
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- Donald Rumsfeld: Appeasement Expert
- Bill Cosby: Jail-O for Mr. Jell-O?
- Can We Impeach Bush, now?
- The spectre of Joe Lieberman
- Why no outrage over India's nuclear ICBM test?
- Pentagon Investigating My Ties to Terrorism
- Coulter: "Happy Birthday Mr. President"
- Joe Lieberman As Time Goes By
- Joe Lieberman claims he is not President Bush
- From CNN this morning on Rush's "little" problem
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- Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid
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Why does it feel like that picture is more truthful than the "truth" as we know it?!?
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